Thursday, February 11, 2010

Doors and Windows

I was walking past Jack's room this morning and the light was hitting the doorknob in such a pretty way, I had to grab my camera. My batteries for my good camera need to be charged, so I had to make do with the point and shoot. I think it does a nice enough job, and it's certainly easier to manage for self-portraits. So... I love these doorknobs. Dax has wanted to replace them ever since we moved in, but I won't budge. Not all of them even work that well (especially the one to our bedroom), but I don't care. They're beautiful. I know he wants to replace them when we try and sell the house, but I don't think he understands just how great they are.

Did you know that if a lead crystal doorknob is exposed to direct sunlight for long enough, it turns violet?

How pretty is that! This one is also in Jack's room. It goes to the door to the attic/playroom (Jack's own personal Bat Cave). Maybe we should replace the doorknobs. I'd love to take a few of these with me.

And while I was by the window, I stopped for a few shots of me. I think I like this one best because of the reflection on my glasses. I did some with glasses, some without, and I got some cool ones with stripey shadows from the blinds across my face, but this is the one that stood out to me and manages to reflect how I've been feeling this week.
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  1. Do you take all of the "self portraits" yourself? If so, how do you do it?

  2. Awesome self portrait...and hell YEAH! If you move, takes those knobs with you! If not, send them to me LOL.

  3. Kathy, I do them all myself, except for two that my best friend took. Usually I just hold the camera away from me ala Facebook profile pics (that's what I did for today's), but sometimes I use a little tabletop tripod and the self-timer. I have a big tripod that I'll probably lug out one of these days and then I would probably use my remote shutter release.
