Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pool House, also known as Cori's House

My sister, Cori, is moving in with us this weekend. This will be the fourth state that she has moved to and lived with us at least part of the time. She's a lot of fun to be around and shares my "make do" attitude when it comes to silly things like extra bedrooms, and we decided to convert part of the pool house into a bedroom.  First, let me say that building up there in the photo can be an oven inside. It's nothing but a metal shed with a plywood floor. There is a decent chance that Cori could wake up with a gecko in her bed. We're doing what we can to avoid that though. There is no insulation in there, so this would be impossible to do in the summer time without major interior renovation. Fortunately, the weather is mild now and will be for a few months at least. I imagine pretty soon it will be getting quite cold at night and that could be a problem as well, but if you think of it like summer camp, or a beach side cabin, you can make it work. I think. And yes, if worst comes to worse, we can make room for her in the house, but this is where she'd prefer to stay. This is what it looked like to start. (forgive the foggy "before" photos. They were done with my cell phone)

Like I said, a metal shed with plywood floor. And a lot of stuff stored in there and more likely to come (as we are still unpacking). There's pretty doors in the front, and sliding glass doors in the back that can be opened for ventilation (still working on getting some sort of screening up). We decided to consolidate most of the stuff at the back end of the pool house and do the best we could with extra stuff and stuff stored in there already to at least make it look more like a living space. This is what we came up with.

We started with a couple of area rugs that we weren't using anymore, and some off-color green carpet squares (indoor/outdoor) that were in the pool house. We used the extra fencing and paneling as "walls" that could be decorated in various ways.

For the sitting area, we used our Albany porch furniture. It's a little faded, but that makes it "distressed", right?

I got that little green table out of the trash in Albany one day, and I was almost embarrassed that I had the movers bring it. I love it though and am glad there's still a use for it. The bedding is actually Cori's from when she lived in Albany with us. I think it would be cute to clothespin some photos or something to the makeshift "headboard". I don't know. There's a lot you could do there, and I'm sure Cori will want to change things to make it her own.

Mazzy decorated with paper butterflies and flowers. The two "shutter" doors on the right actually go to the kitchen, and Dax and I have already talked about hanging them back up. I'm not sure when that will happen though, so in the meantime I used them to hide an ugly corner. I also placed them upside down so the slats go upward. I thought maybe it would be a good place to hang earrings, jewelry, photos, etc.

I hung the calla lily photo by tying an polka dot scarf (again, Cori's from when she lived in Albany), through the hook in the back and then hanging it from the fence panel.

Another view of Cori's bed. It's an air mattress for now, but it has layers of sheets, sleeping bags, and the nice blanket on top. The shelves there were the kids' changing table (there's an extra piece that you attach to the top). I have no idea where the curtain thing came from, but I found it in the garage. It's pretty shabby looking, but it does the job of camouflaging the metal shelves with the the pool supplies).

And finally, one last look. It may not be year-round livable, but for not spending a penny, it's pretty cute.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I'm loving the new house, and mornings especially. We have this great Florida room (or as my sister and I call it, the Flo Rida room. lol)
and in the mornings especially, it makes a terrific little "internet cafe" kind of spot to drink my coffee, surf the web, and start my day.

I probably spend more time in this room than any other in the house, at least now while the weather is still mild. This room doesn't have central air like the rest of the house, so I know when it's hot again, it's going to be miserable in there (although there is a window unit, but I bet it would be really expensive to cool). For now though, it's the perfect place to be. Almost outside, so I can keep an eye on the kids if they're in the pool. I can work on editing. I can grab a hoop and practice with online tutorials. We have all of our board games in here and can sit at the table and play cards, put together a puzzle, or do some homeschool work. Best of all, I sit around all day in swimwear just in case I need a quick dip to cool off. Or if I just don't feel like putting on real clothes. :)

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Moving on.

I've officially been an Orlando resident now for 3 weeks. So far I like it here a lot, and am enjoying the sunshine to the fullest. I will miss Albany though, and all of the great friends I made there. My last week there, I had a great girls' night dinner with some of the best ladies I've ever met! I have a hard time making friends sometimes (stupid shy), so this meant so much to me to have such a great group of women who were going to miss me and were sorry to see me go. I've moved several times over the years, and while it doesn't get easy, I do get a little used to it, but I'm always surprised when I do move, the number of people that care that I didn't really expect contrasted with the people I thought would care, but certainly didn't seem to. Regardless, it was a great week of catching up with friends and dinners out!

After about a week and a half, our stuff finally arrived! We kept all of the boxes in the garage, to try and make the rest of the house stay someone organized, and it's working so far. The tough part is trying to navigate the boxes in the garage when we're trying to find something "important". For the kids, that is TOYS! I've enjoyed watching them work together to find their things and get unpacked. I'm sure they wish we grown-ups would move a lot faster with this unpacking thing though!

If we moved any faster though, we couldn't spend all of our extra time in the pool! I never realized just how much I would love having a pool, and this is in October when it's starting to get cool even! I can't imagine how invaluable it will feel next summer when I'm cursing the Florida heat.

Other than unpacking, and poolside fun, we also took some time to Occupy Orlando. It was a great turnout, a gorgeous day, and an awesome civics lesson for the kids!

Finally, this past Saturday we went to Cocoa Beach. Dax and I were reminded a lot of our honeymoon in Ft. Lauderdale 15 years ago. That was the first time we decided that Florida was the place for us, and it looks like that is true!

The kids enjoyed their first day at the beach too. They'd both been before in California and in New Hampshire, but neither really remembered it. They hated the salt water, and much prefer swimming in the pool, but they liked playing in the sand.

However, they complained for quite a long time after about all the sand they had in their hair. hmmmm....why would that be?

It was a lovely day at the beach though, and I'm enjoying our lovely new life. Change is good.
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