Monday, February 7, 2011


Normally I hate going to the grocery store, but today I had a good trip there! For $138 I have 5 1/2 lbs of bottom round to make into ground beef, roast, and stew, three whole chickens that were majorly on sale (These aren't happy chickens. They're the ones in Food Inc. that make me cry, but sometimes money talks), tilapia for tonight's dinner, lots of frozen veggies and plenty fresh. Three different kinds of fresh fruit, stuff for pasta and ravioli, greek yogurt, ice cream, and more! The most "processed" foods I got were the kids' Goldfish, the Stoneyfield yogurt, and the Breyer's ice cream. For the first time in awhile I feel like we have a big variety of foods to choose from. It's nice!

That said, my stomach has been bothering me lately and I think our servings of fruits and veggies had taken a dip, so I'm hoping that if I eat a little more "clean" for a few days, I can straighten this all out. I'll leave most of the meat to the other carnivores in this house and try and stick mostly to fruit, veggies, yogurt, and nuts. Maybe some oatmeal? I did make a big batch of brown rice this morning, so maybe a little of that too. I'm also back to making sure I drink enough water. I used to be fabulous about that, but that habit has fallen by the wayside along with many other good ones.

Here's to a full fridge, clean food, and staying hydrated! (and hopefully to a happier tummy.)

Friday, February 4, 2011


I get paralyzed from indecision sometimes. It is so hard to be productive when the thought process required to decide what to have for breakfast is overwhelming. This morning
was no exception. My first thought was eggs, as it usually is, but for whatever reason I
didn't want to cook eggs this morning. I'm out of cheese so no omelet, I have no
bread for toast. I do have some bagels, but they are of the sweeter variety, and not really
good for an egg sandwich. However I could choose a bagel and cream cheese, but again, they are
a sweeter bagel, and I prefer a salty bagel/cream cheese flavor combination. Not that I'm opposed to having something sweet for breakfast, but it should be more uniformly sweet if so.
For a minute or two I consider Frosted Flakes, but then I decide I don't really want to eat that much sugar first thing in the morning. I start getting bothered about not having made a decision yet, so I think maybe I should just get a glass of Sierra Mist in the meantime and not eat anything until I decide what I want. But it would be ridiculous to turn down the Frosted Flakes because of all the sugar if I'm just going to drink a glass of sugar instead. If that's the case, I might as well have Skittles for breakfast! Oooh, Skittles...I have some. Mostly just the green ones left because they're my least favorite. Not that I won't eat green skittles. Oh I will! But they're not my first choice. OMG, Am I seriously to the point where I'm really considering eating nothing but green Skittles for breakfast? I have to do better than that! I revisit cooking some eggs, because I really like eggs, but I'd want something carby with them. I could make some brown rice because I love that with eggs, but that would take 45 minutes to cook and that's just too long! I wish I could be fine with having a bagel. Oh wait...there's sunbutter! Sunbutter on a sweeter bagel is really good! That appeals to the side of me that loves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's THAT kind of flavor combo!

Finally, having decided on a breakfast, I put the bagel in the toaster and begin a long mental dialogue berating myself for wasting so much time trying to pick a FOOD when I have so much work that needs to get done. Or I could shower! Or exercise! Or clean something! Anything! I think about this for so long that I start to think of the voice in my head as a separate person, one that I don't have to answer to. I mentally laugh at Other Me and live in the moment for a minute or two, completely enmeshed in the moment and aware of everything going on around me.
(I am currently reading "The Power of Now" for my book club and apparently it's starting to sink into my consciousness.) I snap out of my musings to see that my bagel popped up awhile ago and I better get to it while it's still warm. That's when I look back towards the living room and notice the light coming in the front door and how pretty the piano looks bathed in the light. It could potentially make a pretty photograph so I decide to grab my camera. It won't take too long to snap a few shots. I have to take several though because the lens I'm using doesn't autofocus anymore. I have to focus it manually which isn't so bad, but my eyesight isn't very good and it's really hard for me to tell if something is in focus. Not to mention I'm shaky which means many blurry photos are inevitable. I don't mess with a lot of settings on the camera though because I know that will suck up way too much of my time and then I won't be able to resist editing them right after so I can see how they turned out. No, I'll just shoot these on Program mode and play
with them later.

Finally, my sunbutter bagel is finished and I pour a glass of milk to go with it. They look pretty together, and I think about taking a picture of it, since this IS a blog where I'm going to be talking about the things I eat. At this point, though, I figure it's best to stick with a picture of the piano and eat my food.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yummy Stuff

I made cinnamon rolls with Mazzy today. Such a yummy and easy thing to make! Fortunately, I can be a good girl and eat just one.

This is what I would call a typical breakfast for me. The orange juice is optional, but I almost always have eggs of some sort for breakfast. This is the best omelette I have made for awhile, and that was simply because I remembered that I had broccoli in the freezer (and I love broccoli!) Typically, I use one whole egg and two egg whites for my omelettes, and I keep the extra yolks for pudding or something.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time for a Change

So, what's new with me? Well, I got bored with myself, stopped taking pictures, stayed in a rut and got bored with that too. So this is what I want to do. I need to lose weight. I need to get in better shape. I believe that discussing my weight loss attempts is about the most boring subject on the planet, but I don't have anything better to talk about. I'll be 40 in 18 days. I don't mind so much, but I'm not happy with myself either. On the other hand, I'm not willing to give up all the yummy stuff life has to offer, so I'm going to attempt to lose weight without the diet rules everyone says I have to follow. I don't want to give up real food which means I need to conquer this adversity to regular exercise that I have. I'm hoping to enter my 40s with some big changes. At best, I'll prove that you don't have to torture yourself to change your life and reclaim your health. At worst, I'll have eaten some yummy food and maybe tried some new activities.