Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I started running again last week. I'm not officially "cleared" to run again until July, but I started anyway. Right now I'm just running a little bit on my treadmill (which makes this outside picture a bit of a fake. But hey, I did go right back inside and run!), and I'll wait until July to move outside. That's a fair compromise, right? Anyway, I like running. I'm terribly slow, and I blame a good part of that on my terribly short legs. My "running" pace is 4mph. Yep, that's a 15 minute mile! That's o.k. though, as long as I can keep going. I signed up for my very first 5K for the end of August, so hopefully I can keep up the motivation and continue to improve. I'd love to be able to run the whole thing, but as I've never been much of an outside runner, I just don't know...
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At Work

It's wedding season and I've been busy! Here's just a quick shot of me at a wedding last weekend. That's one crazy cheesy smile! (and one very nice wedding aside from the unexpected pitcher of "water" that turned out to be gin. oops! (not that I didn't notice at the first taste, but I already poured a glass!))
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We had our first camping weekend, and for the most part, it was our best one yet. Beautiful weather (most of the time), no rain (just a few sprinkles), and incredibly relaxing. Mazzy got eaten alive by mosquitos and swelled up like crazy, so it certainly wasn't her favorite trip, but Jack had a blast and wanted to live there "plus TV". Dax didn't catch any fish, and I'd prefer a little more sunshine, but it was a good weekend and at times, blissfully perfect.
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