Thursday, July 14, 2011


It's been a long time since I've stayed up late with my good friend, Wine. This is cherry wine that Dax made. It's pretty good, but it's still going to give me a headache. I'm getting sick too. Not sick sick, I don't think, just a cold. Just enough to make me feel sluggish and blah.

I don't know where my head's at tonight. Probably counting up all the wrongs I've done in my life. I know that makes me sound unhappy, but I'm not. I'm nervous. I'm anxious. I'm excited. I'm melancholy. I'm motivated. Maybe I downplay stuff and no one realizes what a big deal it all is. Maybe I overplay it and don't realize it and they're all just sick of me. Maybe I just don't make the impression I thought. I don't really think it's any of that though. I think people have their lives and they don't really think about anyone else's. I hope the people that I value know that they are valued. I hope they feel the same about me. I'm going to miss a lot of people when I leave here.

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