Monday, February 7, 2011


Normally I hate going to the grocery store, but today I had a good trip there! For $138 I have 5 1/2 lbs of bottom round to make into ground beef, roast, and stew, three whole chickens that were majorly on sale (These aren't happy chickens. They're the ones in Food Inc. that make me cry, but sometimes money talks), tilapia for tonight's dinner, lots of frozen veggies and plenty fresh. Three different kinds of fresh fruit, stuff for pasta and ravioli, greek yogurt, ice cream, and more! The most "processed" foods I got were the kids' Goldfish, the Stoneyfield yogurt, and the Breyer's ice cream. For the first time in awhile I feel like we have a big variety of foods to choose from. It's nice!

That said, my stomach has been bothering me lately and I think our servings of fruits and veggies had taken a dip, so I'm hoping that if I eat a little more "clean" for a few days, I can straighten this all out. I'll leave most of the meat to the other carnivores in this house and try and stick mostly to fruit, veggies, yogurt, and nuts. Maybe some oatmeal? I did make a big batch of brown rice this morning, so maybe a little of that too. I'm also back to making sure I drink enough water. I used to be fabulous about that, but that habit has fallen by the wayside along with many other good ones.

Here's to a full fridge, clean food, and staying hydrated! (and hopefully to a happier tummy.)

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