Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Admiration and Vanity

Dax has been riding his bike to and from work for months now, and he has the legs to show it.  I've been spending more time poolside, and I have the tan to show it.  (I don't believe I've ever been tan like this before!) We often lay on the couch alternately admiring each other's muscle tone and skin coloring.  It's quite amusing!  Now if I could just get up off of my lazy bum and exercise with a bit more consistency, I could be both tanned and toned!

I'm still not going to yoga as consistently as I should.  Well, that makes it sound like I actually go.  Nothing like getting a 10-class punchcard in February and still having 8 left to put that into perspective!  Dax is going to go with me tonight though, and I'm really looking forward to that.  I need to start inviting people to go with me more often because it definitely gets me there.  I've also been going on a lot more walks, thanks to my good friend, Madonna.  I'm loving her new album sooo much!  Madonna puts me in a great mood and makes me feisty, my favorite combination!  Kenny benefits from this too because he's getting walked more consistently and with greater enthusiasm while I stomp around the neighborhood, listening to my girl, and sometimes even singing along.  On a good night, I get to do what I call the Trifecta, which is walk/hoop/swim.  I start with my walk with Kenny.  When I get home, I'm usually still pumped up enough to want to keep going, so I head straight to the backyard and hoop to the tunes until I am ready to drop.  Provided the kids are in bed (or if I have my swimsuit on under my clothes (which I often do these days), I then strip down and jump in the pool to swim a few laps and to cool off.  It's fantastic!  I manage the Trifecta a few times a week, but I need to bump that up for real results.  Ms. Madonna is doing her best to whip me into shape though!

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