Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trying to keep a good attitude.

We wanted to go on a hike today. Kenny (our dog) gets a chance to be off-leash, and we get some much needed exercise and fresh air. However, I hurt my knee in December, and have re-injured it at least once per week since. I need the thing to heal so I can do fun stuff! The most recent time, I hurt it getting into the car. I didn't slip or anything. It's my left knee and apparently it doesn't take much lateral movement for me to be in some pretty bad pain for (fortunately) a relatively short time. So. I decided I'd try to hike. I put my knee brace on and we were headed to a trail that Dax and Kenny went to a couple of weeks ago. When we got to the van, we noticed the GPS was gone. Yesterday, I went to my friend's house to take some photos. Dax asked me to leave him the GPS in case he needed to go pick up our son from a playdate. I took it out of the car and tossed it on the seat of the van...and didn't lock it. Turns out, the playdate dad brought Jack home, so Dax never needed to go anywhere...and I certainly didn't think to lock the van. Fortunately, just the GPS is missing. We have a portable DVD player in there too, along with my mp3 player (which is cheap, I admit), and a nice tripod. Some (not all) of my change was missing as well, so we assume that whoever took it, heard something and didn't take the time to really clean the van out.

Anyway, this all meant that we couldn't go to the trail we planned on because Dax didn't know how to get there. He had programmed it into the GPS. Plan B was to go to a nearby lake (small) with a trail around it. I was very upset and it a horrible mood (and nervous about my knee), but I tried very hard to keep a good attitude about everything. It only worked so well.

It was cold! Much colder than we had planned on (so it's probably good we didn't go to the big trail), and there were some icy sections, so I couldn't even walk most of the trail. We weren't there long, and I didn't walk much. I did watch some people playing hockey on the lake.

Mazzy loves ice skating, and I feel really bad that she hasn't done it much this year. I can't imagine how I could possibly skate this year though, if I'm hurting myself getting into my car! And how cool is it that I live in the capital city of New York and about a mile away from my house is a pond we can skate on! It's just like Little Women!
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