Sunday, January 31, 2010


Ok. I'm cheating. I took these pictures the same day I tried on the Mrs. Roper shirt, but I didn't want to NOT use these! There's a theme to this one. An order! Education, perhaps! (and this weekend has been really busy and I haven't taken a single photo!) So, I follow the Curly Girl program. Well, I follow it for the most part. I followed it religiously for about 5 months, but when it got cold, I started straightening my hair again now and then, simply because it takes so long to dry by itself. Also, I'm out of the conditioner I like the most, and it's $17/bottle, so I've been making do with Suave ($1.79!). I like the other stuff much better though.

Anyway, I followed the no-poo, condition, no brushing, no heat, clear gel protocol, but the one thing that I didnt' do was plopping. The written explanation didn't make enough sense to me, but I finally checked out a couple of youtube videos and figured it out. I do it every now and then. I don't know that I see much greater results, but I suppose it does help maximize the curl in the winter that humidity takes care of in the summer.

I use an old t-shirt that I never liked that much for my plopping. The best thing about plopping is I can actually lay down and nap while my hair is still wet and I don't mess anything up. Anything that doesn't hinder a nap is great! The worst thing about plopping is I look like this while doing it...

but my hair looks like this when it's all done!

I leave it in the t-shirt for about an hour and then let it down to dry the rest of the way. That still takes another couple of hours to completely dry.
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